26 June 2007

26th June - Day 2

I went to visit Jon today as his mum was unable to visit at the last moment, hopefully Jons cold will clear up soon so you can come visit. We both understand it would have been difficult.

Jons a bit brighter today, I think yesterday I got the after affects of the lumber puncture and he wasnt so chatty, today we got to talk a bit and went for a wander to the day room so Jon could read the blog and tag forum.

The dreaded headache's are back, hopefully they will be able to give Jon something stronger to help relieve the headaches, they were going to be giving him extra fluid this eve so maybe that will help too.... only problem is the fluid only lasts for 4 hours so this means disturbed nights sleep at 1am and then up at 5am... be prepared for a very tired Jon, for those who visit over the next few days.

Oh, and my news - its Tuesday night... weigh in night... I won "SLIMMER OF THE WEEK" (a box of fruit and tins that people add to a session and the winner takes home weekly).. sorry had to shout that out... have lost another 2lb this week bringing my total to 5lb... cant say Im finding it easy am missing chocolate and crisps but I know the end result is worth it!

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