30 July 2007

30th July

Jon woke up today and he looked different took a couple of min's to work out... but his eyes had all puffed up in the night, they had been sore yesterday but didn't hurt this morning but just looked like he had been in a boxing ring but without bruises.

Took Jon back in the RBH today and the doctor said his eyes were still due to the fluid retention and to sit upright today and maybe sleep in a more upright position this eve. Today though Jon had a lumber puncture and chemo,and is meant to lay on his front or back for an hour afterwards, Jon for the last few min's led on his side, he now has one puffy eye and one not... (but its not as puffy as this morning very much reduced).

Hopefully after tonight his eyes should be back to normal, I think I had secretly hoped that Jon would be allowed back home today until his blood level had dropped but from the bloods taken this morning Jon is already neutropenic so he cant leave his room until his blood count had gone low enough then built back up. So now is the time if you visit to really make sure your free of any colds, sick bugs or been in contact with things such as Chicken pox etc.

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