27 May 2007

27th May - Day 7

Immune system has lowered so Jon is now going to be on a stricter diet, as his body wont be able to digest certain items. Will find out more when I visit him tomorrow.

Have felt guilty not going in today, but in other ways have enjoyed spending a day with just Chris. As my shower/bath still isn't fixed I cheated today and took Chris swimming and had a shower at the pool. After swimming we spent the afternoon pottery painting, I took Chris along, Kids are only allowed to go on Sundays. As the hotel complex is meant to be kid free. Chris has painted a mug with a dalek and a tardis, unsure quite how it will turn out but he enjoyed himself.

Have spoken a couple of times to Jon today on the phone, hes been visited by his dad, and my parents today. At least he is free from all the lines this afternoon, I think just the anti biotic gets hooked up when he needs to have it. So he wandered off to the day room with mum and dad to show them round.

Unsure now his immune system has lowered if he will be able to leave his room for much longer. Nows the time to really be careful you don't have or been near people with colds/flu or stomache bugs recently, or you haven't had contact with anyone with Chickenpox, if you decide to visit Jon. Please call ahead to either of us to check its ok for him to have visitors.

Looking forward to Rob coming home tomorrow. Chris has missed him lots.

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