20 May 2007

20th May - p.m - Back to RBH

Well after a great meal out with Paul, Michelle and the kids, thanx for that, it was nice to relax and have a good meal with friends to calm us down, nerves are starting to get to me about having to go back to motorway driving daily.

Chickend out of driving on the M4 to the hospital so opted for the good old A4, got to the ward and eeeekkkkk.... they have given Jon's 5 star room to someone else this week, hes been downgraded to an overflow room, so instead of a TV, Stereo, Fridge, Exercise machine etc.... he has a bed and a table and a small cupboard... grrrr will have to see what we can do to get him moved asap.

So Im afraid its back to the 49p per Min patientline number you all have, at least that number hasnt changed, if he does get moved to the other section of the ward I will pass out the landline number to those who request it. He should though have his mobile on most of the time unless hes actually having treatment so you can always try that its cheaper than the hospital bedphone.

I think were both nervous, but needing the next stage to happen. So weve been dreading the return to hospital but looking forward to it being one step closer to Jons recovery. The kids got to see where Jon is staying, they found the cartoon channel on the bed TV so were happy.

Will find it difficult to sleep tonight without the snores next to me... missing you already Jon, cya tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

It's a long road ahead but we are here for you. I would like Jon's number as that I get 1000 minutes to the UK each month and Catherine hardly scratchs the surface. Once Jon kicks Brian's butt, if you guys come across the pond do stop by for a visit. I think that I will be there for more than a year this time. Take care. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

I will get Lizz to give my number in the forum Bryan. Good to hear from you.
