30th June - Day 6
What a wonderful quiet day today...
The kids went off excited with Uncle Steve and Auntie Toni... leaving Jon and I to watch TV and relax. We even went out for a pub lunch in town. Was great to have time alone together without being stuck in the hospital room.
Alan popped round for a few hours in the afternoon, were very lucky he lives so close by and can stop by anytime, Jon always likes spending time with his dad.
After Doctor who.. the final chapter.. wow what a finale today eh.... the.. oh won't spoil it in case people haven't seen it yet. The boys returned home. They have had a fantastic day, a muddy walk over the marsh, played some board games and then went bowling and to McDonalds. They were still full of energy when they got home though, wish I had half their energy.
While I left Jon and the boys bowling on the Wii, I gave into Gemma who has been whimpering by my feet most of the day, its been either pouring or drizzling with rain all day, but we both put our coats on and braved the rain, felt kinda good to get out and do some exercise... I still think its Gemma who takes me for the walk!