25 May 2007

25th May - Day 5

Hi sorry for the late blog, been helping set mum up on ebay on her laptop, been a while since Ive been near ebay out of practice :p

Jon's not had the best of days today, he has caught an infection in his Hickman line, its had to be removed and they have replaced it with a Pickman line its pretty much the same thing but rather than being attatched to his chest, its attatched to his arm, it now has only 2 beads rather than three.

With this infection Jon has now got flu type symptoms so hes got a very high temperature and is shaking lots. They are dealing with it brilliantly at the hospital with anti biotics and pain relief etc. He is though very very sleepy, so maybe visits this weekend can be left to family only please.

I will let everyone know how hes getting on, as to when people can go back to visiting again, but at the moment he needs plenty of rest, sleep is going to be the best thing for him. I spent most of today with him but he was drifting in and out of sleep constantly, dont think we actually held a full conversation. They said it maybe Monday before Jon's back to his old self, some of his tiredness is also due to the chemo treatment for the past few days.

Try not to worry too much from this news they are very positive that this is just a small blip in the treatment. He's been doing so well I'm sure he will be back texting on his phone every 10 mins real soon.

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