31 July 2007

31st July

Jon had his Sister and her daughter Ellie visit him this morning, as I had promised to help the holiday school club on a barge trip along our local canal, I wasn't sure if I would get in to see Jon today, but as he had left his all important "Sims2" disc in his pc at home and wanted it in hospital how could I refuse! lol

I took the boys up with me this afternoon to visit Jon, where we spent the afternoon watching sky sports news on all the football transfers (Why did I not pack my Harry Potter Book!)The boys think its great that my birthday is the day of Liverpool's first match of the season.. Robert even suggested would I like a football birthday party, with a football theme of us all dressing up in football kits and football balloons and watching the match on TV and ... well you get the picture, surprisingly my answer was NO THANX! nice thought though.. bless him.

The kids and I ate at the restaurant in the hospital this eve, Jon is unable to leave his room to join us but we went back up to his room to spend a bit more time with him before travelling home. Oh before I forget ,The kids and I went to the new sweet shop in town and they took the sweets into hospital to help keep them amused,We had such a giggle with the boys trying a sweet that we both ate as a child.. I think it was called moondust then... its still in a small pack and its called popping candy... they both were in fits of laughter as the tiny shards of sweet popped and crackled on their tongue, this new sweet shop in our town is certainly taking us on a trip down memory lane, alas they can no longer get Liquorice Pipes I don't think they make them anymore.

Cya Thursday Jon, am off to have my hair done tomorrow as a birthday pressie from my mum and my old college pal Liz is visiting for the afternoon. will call you tomorrow.

30 July 2007

30th July

Jon woke up today and he looked different took a couple of min's to work out... but his eyes had all puffed up in the night, they had been sore yesterday but didn't hurt this morning but just looked like he had been in a boxing ring but without bruises.

Took Jon back in the RBH today and the doctor said his eyes were still due to the fluid retention and to sit upright today and maybe sleep in a more upright position this eve. Today though Jon had a lumber puncture and chemo,and is meant to lay on his front or back for an hour afterwards, Jon for the last few min's led on his side, he now has one puffy eye and one not... (but its not as puffy as this morning very much reduced).

Hopefully after tonight his eyes should be back to normal, I think I had secretly hoped that Jon would be allowed back home today until his blood level had dropped but from the bloods taken this morning Jon is already neutropenic so he cant leave his room until his blood count had gone low enough then built back up. So now is the time if you visit to really make sure your free of any colds, sick bugs or been in contact with things such as Chicken pox etc.

29 July 2007

29th July

Quiet Sunday at home, nothing much to say really other than Jon didnt sleep at all last night so trying to type really quietly so I dont wake him now forgot to write earlier... sleep well everyone cya tomorrow.. downside tomorrow is back to RBH.

July 28th - Day 5

Hi.... wonderful day today, Jon's bloods finally clear of the chemo so he was allowed home, Steve and Toni had popped into the hospital on their way to the airport, so we managed a quick chat with them before we all got told that Jon could come home, I hadn't told the boys in case it didn't happen so they were really shocked when they got back from playing Tennis with grandad to find daddy sat having a cuppa.

Its great to see Jon so relaxed again, so different from in hospital this eve he's got the minx in him, he crept behind a door and scared me after I walked through... he might be ill but he was very close to a clip round the ear!

Planning on a quiet day tomorrow as he has to go back in on Monday for another Lumber puncture and prob to stay in for a 2 week period.

27 July 2007

27th July - Day 4

Hi everyone, Jon had to put up with just me today, the boys have been staying with Bob & Em and the gang today, and thankfully have behaved really well, got to see Tom's new car that hes saved up for himself, see working hard has its benefits, hope Bob got the new stereo in and working!

Jon was a little happier today, but still really bloated, but they are very confident that when the fluids stop being pumped in the fluid retention will stop, its happened in the past, but I guess we tend to forget what it was like. I know Jon's looking forward to a night without being woken up by the pumps making noises to say fluid bags need changing (myself I reminded him how many years I have had to put up with his fire brigade alerter waking me up, but we did chuckle that its maybe not quite the same!)

We sat and watched a movie together this afternoon, time passed really quickly, all to soon it was time for me to go, I guess we were both hoping that they would say he could come home today as in the past he got to come home for the weekend straight after Chemo but this time they started the chemo a day late so fingers crossed that his bloods results come back ok and he gets to come home tomorrow eve.

Yay.. Charley is out of the Big Brother house... we both had been voting, the text messages were flying between us this eve. (Jon and I, not with Charley). Simple things keep us amused in the evenings. What did people do before mobiles and texting?

26th July - Day 3

This morning Jon's dad popped in to see Jon early leaving me some time to sort a few bits out at the house, at some point I need to get Chris started on his holiday homework (THE ROMANS), maybe next week!

I dropped the boys off to spend today and tomorrow at Bob & Em's house, I must say its been really strange having the house all to myself, Ive spent a lot of time here when the boys are in bed, but its strange the complete silence of being alone, am very glad of Gemma's company even if it us just the noise of her going in and out of the cat flap to get attention now I'm upstairs. The boys took their Wii with them ,will have to find out who won at the bowling on the Wii, not sure anyone can beat Chris!

Jon wasn't Jon today (sorry I know you read this but trying to keep this blog acurate) but he didn't have his mojo, we both agreed it had gone today. Problem is he is very very bloated from all the fluids they have pumped into him to remove the chemo from his blood, but its making Jon uncomfortable and sleepy. They have increased some tablets to try to flush the fluids through, am really hoping they start working, was really hard to be there and feel so unable to actually help or do anything.

We did sneak off the ward to get Jon a chocolate bar that he fancied having, I don't think the doctor noticed we had been gone longer than a few mins (we had permission for a short walk). It's nice to escape sometimes even if you are dragging along 3 pumps on a trolly thingy that wants to go in a different direction than your walking.

I went to Aqua fit this evening, the guy worked us hard again, will ache lots tomorrow, was late leaving the pool as I did a few lengths before getting out so I missed the start of Big Brother (TV program) Jon and I enjoy sending texts while both watching the program about whats happening, can almost believe were sat watching it together at home that way.

Ooops an essay and its late was playing catch up on all the programs Ive taped from the past week.

25 July 2007

25th July - Day 2

Jon was visited this morning by Sarah and Ellie, thanks for popping in to see him, I know he enjoys other people visiting, gets a bit bored with me I think.

I did though visit him today and I took the boys, they managed 2 hours which I think is a record for them without squabbling. They were very keen to see thier dad, they each had made a get well poster for him, (I blue tacked it to the door in his room so as not to harm the paintwork on the walls). The boys and Jon played a few board games that I took in to keep them all busy. They also enjoyed the sweets and chocolates too.

Best of all though the boys loved the ride on Jon's NEW bed, today they took away his very old hospital bed and replaced it with a new electric bed, they are replacing all the beds in the hospital. Breaking all rules the boys led on the bed (shoes off though) and Jon spent 10 mins lifting up thier heads and feet at one point almost doubling them up, it was great fun to see them messing about.. just hope the nurses didnt look in as there was alot of laughter.Not sure who had the most fun Jon pressing all the different buttons on the remote or the kids whizzing about on the bed!

Have heard the rain tomorrow is going to be pretty bad, am hoping to still get in to see Jon so if anyone knows any ways to get the sun to shine over Berkshire please shout.

24 July 2007

24th July - Day 1

The doctor popped in to see Jon this morning, asked if he had any questions, we said no and he replied well it is your 3rd session you prob know more about it than me now .... the staff are great at putting you at ease, they are so positive its hard to be anything but positive yourself.

Jon started his steroids and first set of Chemotherapy drugs today, we had a quiet morning with me reading my new Harry Potter book (got to chapter 10) and Jon playing on his laptop, we chatted and joked but sometimes just being in the same room is enough without words. All too soon it was time for me to leave, the nurses asked me on my way out if Jon had been wandering into other rooms today!! they haven't seen the label I made for the door saying "Jon's Room". His dad popped in for a few hours this afternoon while I did the wonderful task of food shopping.

I went to pick up the kids from mums but they refused to come home as Grandad Pops had promised them a game of Tennis... as he was babysitting tonight anyway with diet club, mum and dad just kept the kids till it was time for us to come home.

The diet went well this week, again wish it was a bit quicker but am heading in the right direction to be in a smaller dress size for Christmas. I lost 1.5 lbs again this week.. bringing my total for 5 weeks to 8.5lb. Haven't really noticed a difference in clothes fitting differently yet.

Jon is very tired, its the early starts and the fact that the fluids go through the night and disturb him, but we know its only for a few days.

23 July 2007

23rd July

Back to hospital!

Jons back in the Royal Berks Hospital again, but he's moved rooms, he is now in room 2

His landline telephone number has also changed now so call Lizz or Phone Jon on his mobile to get the new number.

We got Jon settled into his new room, its slightly bigger than his last room, has a very modern exercise bike that has a fan on it (wishful thinking that it might get used). The fridge is also there too.

At 2.30 today Jon had another Lumber puncture, this went well, Jon always sleeps for the hour he has to lay flat after the procedure. I left today at 4pm as it hasnt stopped raining all day and with the stop over to pick up the kids from mum's I didnt want to end up being in too much water on the roads again!

Ps... Jon I'm off to make the sign for your room now to stop you making another mistake *wink*

22nd July

Lovely quiet day today, spent the morning packing and tidying up, we then went out to lunch at the Tuttipole only to be told that someone had paid our bill, we have idea who and I will be speaking to them! but many thanks for that gesture.

While Jon and I sorted out the fish tank after going to Newbury to collect new water for it, the kids played out on their bikes.

We took Gemma out for a walk then it was time for the boys film (a James Bond film), Nachos and Popcorn night, I wasn't invited, they planned to do this the night of my works party but it never happened and Sat we went out so they pleaded with Jon to let it happen last night. I don't mind too much am not totally into the Roger Moore, James Bond thing.

21 July 2007

21st July

Time is going so fast... only 1 day left at home for Jon till I take him back to hospital on Monday.... its been fantastic to have him home though. The kids have really enjoyed spending time with Jon today, he took them to play football and promises me he didn't actually play! The football pitch for kids is right next to the cricket pitch so they also sat and watched our local team play for a few runs and Jon explained the rules..Rob was understanding them but at the end Chris said "so its just like baseball" not sure how Jon replied.

Would like to take a moment to congratulate Chris and Lin (One of the firefighters at Jon's local station) on their wedding today, best wishes to you both for the future,am glad the rain held off for your trip to the church. We went to the evening reception, They had a disco and a live singer, who was very good. It was really nice to spend a night out and forget that things are any different, the only main difference to me was Jon didn't get up for any dancing, but Tina and Holly kept me company on the dance floor.(Leaving Jon and Dean to the drinking).

20 July 2007

20th July - Wash out

We have had a hell of a day, now as the news reader on the radio told us all afternoon Reading has had 86 mm of rain in half a day. its been awful.

We went to hospital this morning and the rain storms to drive through were awful but we got there safely... for the 5 min's blood test... we then decided (thankfully) to have a quick bite to eat before setting off home.

The journey home normally takes about 45 min's today it took us 4 and a half hours. I have never been so scared in my life, we chose the A4 over the M4 as on the radio it said the M4 had a mud slide and conditions were really poor... well the A4 was just as bad, at one point we drove through water that was past the bottom of the car door with 2 lots of traffic trying to use the center of the road, the waves from cars coming past and the fire engine that passed us was rocking the car... am just so glad to get home.

Ive just heard that my Auntie Roz and Uncle Barry's house in Thatcham has 2 foot of water downstairs, I really wish them all the best with further forcast of rain due tonight.

Our works staff party has been cancelled its a shame but its for the best as it was not local, and meant a journey on a coach. Didn't get to say goodbye to the staff at school being held up in traffic jams, hope you all have a wonderful holiday and see you next term.

19th July

Nothing much happened today, other than Aqua Aerobics was tooooo hard and I will ache tomorrow. (Didnt post on the 19th as a bad storm meant we turned the pc's off for the eve)

18 July 2007

18th July - Police Chase

This morning started off with me at work and Jon at home with Sarah and Enzo visiting, not sure who was worn out more Gemma or Enzo?

After lunch with a quick visit from mum to bring Jon a Lardie Cake (soooooooooooooo not fair as I cant eat any of it!). The afternoon went by uneventful.

We decided that tonight being one of the only free nights we would go to the Cinema in Swindon, we booked a nice early time at the old Shaw Ridge Cinema and went to see Shrek the third with the kids, was great as the car park was pretty empty and there were only about 6 other people in the Cinema watching the film (have to say its not as funny as Shrek 2).

We then spent a few hours in Pizza hut ( I only had a salad... the smell of pizza was soooooooo yummy but I did well). I must admit the service was really slow, took over an hour for our food to arrive but was worth it when it came along, kids really enjoyed it.

But..... the journey home wasn't so good, Jon was on the phone to his brother while I drove through Swindon, we were in old town just going over a mini roundabout and this white car came from my left at top speed,and a screeching of wheels and I'm still not sure how it missed us, I then carried on across the roundabout as I had been halfway across, next thing is a police car races past the back of our car.. blue lights were on but no warning Siren, It was really scary, someone was looking over us tonight because I'm still not sure how the car didn't smash into Jon's side of the car. I think I've finally stopped shaking now... Rob thanked me for saving them, Chris said "Oh well at least the hospital wasn't far away if we needed to go there".. got to love him.

Off now for a very strong cup of tea. Keep safe everyone.

17 July 2007

17th July

Not a lot happened today, quiet morning, followed by a quick shopping trip in the afternoon, Jon realized that he may still be in hospital when its my birthday so wanted to get me something now to open on the day, I did say that him getting better would be prezzie enough, but the kids do enjoy watching gifts being opened so will look forward to the surprise.

Also treated myself to a new swimming costume ready for Thursdays Aqua Aerobics, needed a safer costume, is all i'm going to say! for this weeks lesson.

Diet news.... lost a further 1 lb today bringing me up to 7.5 lbs lost so far. (wish it was a bit quicker but I guess slow and steady is fair enough).

16 July 2007

16th July

With no phone call from the hospital last night we thought we had got away with it, but about 3/4 of an hour after I arrived at work, Jon called to say the hospital needed him back in for another blood test. I feel like a part timer at work... off we go back to Reading again.

Still was worth it, they don't think Jon will need a blood transfusion till the end of the week. So we might now have a few days at home.

Jon got to put the kids to bed this eve, as I went pottery painting with the girls from work, its so relaxing. Hopefully the mug will turn out ok.

Quiet day planned tomorrow, just a few friends coming round tomorrow eve, after slimming world.

15 July 2007

15th July

Hi a quiet day today, I spent the morning asleep, the kids and Jon slept in a little bit but then watched TV till I decided to rise.

We went to the hospital (hopefully fingers crossed) for Jon's last injection, they haven't phoned this eve to tell us to go back tomorrow, so we maybe have until Fri at home.

Spent the afternoon sorting out Rob's Bedroom and bookshelves, got lots of books to hand in to the school for in the classrooms.

Attacked the boys with the clippers today, both look a little smarter, but not sure they like being shaved short, they like to have spikey hair like Riise. Risse.. oh I cant spell it .. that Liverpool player they like lots. But they looked so scruffy something needed doing!

14 July 2007

14th July

Late night... late blog...

Busy day today, Jon went off to the hospital with his dad today to give me a break from driving and some time to do the housework. He had an injection and bloods taken again.

This eve we went to watch the carnival with Steve and Toni, it was ok, nowhere near as good as it used to be years ago, but there were a few more floats than last year. Lots of people turn out to it though so hopefully alot of money raised.

After the carnival we walked (yes walked ... unusual for me) back to Steve and Toni's and had one of his yummy BBQ's. The diet went to pot with Toni's Strawberry Flan.. had 2 slices!

The boys ended up watching a James Bond DVD and with Jon and Steve sitting down with them, today we watched it to the end. (Toni and I were far too busy playing with nintendo DS games to watch TV). Hence not getting home till nearly midnight. Thanks both of you for putting up with us yet again, feeding and entertaining us, The kids want to come over again real soon, but hopefully you will get a few weeks break again until we return.

Grrrrr got back home to a phone message from the hospital Jons blood level is 4.5 it needs to be at 5 to end the injections.. so back to hospital again tomorrow.

13 July 2007

13th July

ohhhhhhhhhhh Friday 13th...

Well all been good here so far..

Took Jon to the hospital lunchtime for his injection and they flushed his lines and took the stitches out of his hickman line. We got home just in time to pick Chris up from school (Report Day)... his report was very good, Rob had his last week and his was pretty good too, so they got a DVD of the 2007 Liverpool Season as a reward.

This afternoon Jon's Mum and sister Kim popped round for a while, was the first time I had seen Margaret since her operation and shes doing fantastically well.

We then took the kids out for tea.. well no we got tea out and brought it home as being on the diet I didn't really want to eat it so cooked my own tea. Jon when in hospital asked for his first meal home to be a KFC, (not sure what that says about my cooking!) we were unable to go out last night but he got his wish this eve.

Feeling full up we took the kids across the common to the local fair thats on this weekend, the kids won 2 inflatable aliens.

All in all a fun day had by us all.. hospital phoned Jon's blood result still not quite high enough so we have to go back tomorrow for another Jab. (Jon not me).

12 July 2007

12th July - Home .... ish !

Well its been a day of waiting for the Doctor but finally they decided Jon could come home today as long as he goes in daily for the next few days for an injection and blood tests, once his blood reaches a certain level he wont need to go back in for a week.

The doctor also gave Jon a timetable of his next treatment:

Fri 13th/Sat 14th/Sun 15th Injection/Bloodtests then back home

Mon 16th - Thur 19th Home for a rest

Fri 20th - Hospital for Bloodtests and re-dress Line and flush the line then home

Sat 21/22nd - Home for rest

Mon 23rd Lumber puncture/Chemo Stay in

Tues 24th - Session 3 of Chemotherapy starts.

After this treatment Jon will be scanned and they hope that no further treatment will be needed so even though this seems quick after the last session of chemo the end is in sight!

11 July 2007

11th July

Wow who is that person in Jon's room.... oh its Jon!!! hes looking fantastic... his blood count is on the way up.

Mum and Kim visited again, one of the doctors joked and asked if they had stayed all night, its been great for Jon to spend time with his mum. She too is making a speedy recovery from her operation (But dont overdo it mum!).

I finally got one of the nurses to agree to a photo, they have all been fantastic, she was just giving Jon's lines a flush and some antibiotics for the infection on his foot.

Also the model is coming along well now... here's a sneak preview, he's concentrating hard on making it.

Oh and finally watch this space tomorrow for hopefully some great news!

10th July

I didnt visit Jon today, but I know his mum and sister Kim did go in for the morning, from the phonecall I had with Jon he said he had enjoyed their visit.

Nothing to report medically other than one mouth ulcer has cleared up, hopefully the others will clear up soon too.

Apparently lots got done to the model yesterday, maybe I will take the camera in tomorrow and take a photo of the progress so far.

Diet Club result: 1.5 lbs bringing the total to 6.5 ( bit slow but its getting there .5 left and half a stone has gone).

9 July 2007

9th July

Well after yesterday I wasnt sure what to expect when I saw Jon today, he was alot better than when I left him last night.

I can finally report that Jon is free of the headaches and the ache in his neck has gone too, he does though have a few really nasty mouth ulcers which wont clear up until his immune system lifts a bit.

The model is really coming along, I was even allowed to do part of it while they gave Jon some plateletts. He will only be needing one lot so things should start improving real soon, and make things alot more comfortable for Jon.

Fingers crossed his mum and Kim come in tomorrow, his mum has just had an operation last week but is doing so well shes popping in to see Jon in the morning.

See you on Wednesday Jon, will phone you lots tomorrow xxxx

8 July 2007

8th July

After a good start this morning, with visits from myself and Nick (Ben fund rep) Jon seemed in good spirits, his dad visited him after lunch for a few hours.

Ive since called Jon and his temperature has started rising, and he is feeling cold and shaky, he did have this last time so it maybe something that passes soon, I hope so.

Still no news as to whether his blood count has finally dropped enough to start fighting back. It was still on its way down.

Missing you lots Jon see you tomorrow xx

7 July 2007

7th July

Busy day for visitors today, Alan and Steve popped in this morning, then Mo, Bob & Uncle Bob went just after lunch, I then arrived with the boys. Mum and co went off for a cuppa and left Jon and I with the boys.

We set them a challenge of popping all the bubbles of bubble wrap that Jon's model had arrived in, After failing to stamp on it and sit on it, Rob got very frustrated and didn't want to try, Chris slowly and methodically popped each bubble in turn. After seeing Chris getting somewhere Rob continued, eventually we decided they had done enough to earn their magazine and microstar box. They still really then just sat and watched TV.. nothing changes.

Mum and Dad then took the boys home with them which gave me a little time on my own with Jon. He looked brighter today but still has a very stiff neck and a headache. Wish there was more I could do to take away the pain! The model has been started, hes spent less time on the laptop today.. fingers crossed the model helps relieve the boredom.

6 July 2007

6th July

A much brighter Jon greeted me today, he has got a very painful mouth ulcer, but the headaches seem to be controlable with the painkillers and they are now keeping on top of them.

When I first arrived, I handed him a gift, I have got him a model to build.. hopefully I will take some photos of the progress and a finished result! But alas in my wisdom I forgot to bring along his craft knife so he couldn't start it today, (have sent the knife and a tray in with Alan to take tomorrow morning).

We spent most of the time doing crossword puzzled, Jon was filling them in, its to help his writing, which I must say is really improving, he still feels it takes him a long time to write but at least the letters are taller than 3mm and are readable.

Oh, we have threatend to do this for ages but Jon decided it was time to find out how fit I am, He has a blood pressure and pulse monitor by his bed, the nurses turn it on to check his a few times a day, we sort of borrowed it, kinda shocked him because my pulse is lower than his, its the steriods, they speeded his pulse up last time, but even though he said I had a fantastic pulse... I didnt tell him I was holding my breath.(shhh)

Will be taking the kids in to annoy him, I mean visit him tomorrow afternoon, hopefully mum and dad will pop in and rescue us and take the kids home for a while. There is only so long you can keep them quiet in a small room with not alot to do in.
We do though have a challenge for them come back tomorrow to find out what it was.

PS - His blood count and platelet count is still dropping so only visit if your really fit and healthy please.

5 July 2007

5th July

Another horrible day... for me I mean, didnt get in to see Jon again today, I really dont like not popping in and annoying him!

Spoken with Jon on the phone today, he's had a headache most of today again, but the painkillers are easing it a little, but the Laptop is definatly making it worse at the moment. So he's back to daytime TV.

John Ayres popped in to see him today, and my dad and uncle popped in to drop some clothes off and stayed for a little bit.

Jon seemed a little chattier on the phone this eve, hopefully things will improve over the next few days. Nearly another week done Jon.

4 July 2007

4th July

Well Jon is doing well so far... but... hes like a caged animal when I visited this afternoon, not sure what he was like when Sarah and Megan popped in for a while this morning, but he was pacing about and walking to the door, he doesn't like being kept in the room this time. Seems very impatient, but hopefully this time will go really quickly for him.

He has had headaches again today, and has found sitting at the laptop is making them worse and watching tv, I do hope these can calm down for him very soon. So just phonecalls this eve, no webcam chats.

He's now on his second bag of blood for the day, hopefully this will help the count to go up again.

I am unable to visit tomorrow as Im on a course for work , but I know one of his workmates is popping in for the morning, and my dad and uncle Bob will pop in and drop off some clothes in the afternoon , (I left them behind today).

Hope you have a better day tomorrow Jon, Love you lots.

"Oh and for all our peeps across the pond.. Happy 4th July ....Independence Day"

3rd July

No visitors today, bit of a shame, but Jon had a quiet day, I worked in the morning and spent the afternoon getting the car fixed. It was nice to be home to chase Rob up with his homework.

Jon had a headache and his neck was hurting again too, which made watching TV or being on the laptop uncomfortable.

2 July 2007

2nd July - Day 8

Just a quick note from Jon's room

They have just taken bloods to check Jon's levels and said he may have been able to come home daily and return each day for more blood tests until his levels reach a certain point. Jon has decided to stay in hospital rather than keep travelling home, (not sure if its my driving thats put him off). So will edit this diary entry later when I get back home.

Back again...

Well after setting up the pc this end, Rob was first to spy Jon on the webcam and chat to him over teamspeak, Jon's dad was still here at the time, as he had been looking after the kids till I got home, He then had a chat to Jon, I think he found it all a bit amazing but he soon got the hang of pressing a button on the keyboard to talk, but said he prefered the phone. Chris got a go, he did actually chat to Jon more over the teamspeak than he does normally on the phone, but it still mainly consisted of nods and yes and no. Our webcam is really old and blurry so need to get it working better, Jon's image is crystal clear, our end is awful. It will be great for the kids to be able to see Jon daily over msn.

I hadnt heard the results of the bloodtests when I got home, but Jon did have another lumberpuncture while I was there.

I prob wont be visiting tomorrow as I need to spend some time at work catching up on some tasks, and the car needs some sorting out at the garage. I also think Jon needs a day away from my nagging him constantly.

1 July 2007

1st July - Day 7

Been a mixed day today, showers and sunshine, the boys spent the morning practicing on the Wii ready to challenge Grandma and Grandad Pops to bowling.... not sure how hes doing it but Chris is now at Pro level and gets a strike nearly every time!

Had a lovely Sunday lunch with my parents, (Mum and I tried Quorn sausages, my opinion is that they taste similar to stuffing, so edible), the rest had roast chicken and veg,Mum and I also made a huge fruit salad, cost a fortune but it was fantastic.

Jon didn't go to bed at all yesterday evening, he did try but the steroids are keeping him up, he has called the hospital and they suggested another tablet he has to be a little more sleepy, lets hope it works, toast n marmite at 2.30am is fun once... but not regularly. So Jon's been pretty tired all day but haven't let him sleep. (his request).

The afternoon was spent playing on the Wii, with the boys beating us at every game we all played... they haven't had much practice other than this morning though, note to self, 30 min's exercise/practice on the Wii daily.

The weekend has gone by really quickly was a lovely surprise for Jon to come home for the weekend, I will be taking him back in for a blood test tomorrow, he will most likely be staying in then, but they may give him another few days at home first. Watch this space for news.