31 October 2008

Happy Halloween 2008

Hi all...

Planning on lots of fun this eve... the Barrett house is a house of halloween mischief this eve...

Lots of treats for those who dare to visit!

Ps - Chris got his idea from the character in Guild Wars!

26 October 2008

25th October 08 -Boys Night In !!!

Thanx's to the guys for organising a night in for Jon, and kicking myself and the kids out of the house!

Nah seriously it was great to see Jon laughing and everyone being relaxed around him and talking over old times, the house was also surprisingly tidy afterwards too.

Took a quick photo before I escaped with Suzie and Chloe to their house with the boys and Gemma.

Back left to right... Adie,Jon & Mark

front left to right... Matt, Chris & Joe

They havent changed much since they used to cause trouble (I mean get together) at the age of 15.

6 October 2008

5th October - Happy 10th Birthday

Happy 10th Birthday Chris

Best wishes from Dad, Mum, Rob and a wag of the tail from Gemma!

4 October 2008

Sat 4th October - The Sleepover

Well hoping Chris is enjoying his birthday weekend, 2 friends to sleepover... party tea with friends and with Aunty Suzie, Uncle Chris and Chloe here too...

All went well, kids stayed really calm throughout the afternoon/evening, they have been so well behaved.

Giggling stopped at about 10.30... total silence by 11.15 wondering what time they will wake up in the morning.. not too early I hope

Not sure who is most excited about the present opening tomorrow.... the kids.. Jon or me!

Take care everyone

2 October 2008

Thurs 2nd October 08

Met Suzie our McMillan Nurse yesterday, She has explained a few things to us and also expressed that Jon and I need to talk about some difficult things which I dont think either of us are ready to do... but then again are u ever ready? It's great to know that the help is out there.

I also joined the Cancerbackup website yesterday they have some very helpful forums and last night I found they have a chat room. It was like a weight had lifted off my shoulders being able to type to other sufferers and carers like myself. I realize now Im not alone.

Friends and family have been fantastic but there are some questions only people who have been through it can answer. There were 8 people in the chat room yesterday, they made me feel very welcome and although I started out the conversation crying at my pc they had me laughing and looking forward to logging on to catch them and other new friends soon.

keep safe everyone

the website I was speaking about can be found at